As I thumb the petal resting gently in my hand, my heart rate begins to decline. The irreplaceable softness of its surface calms me, reminding me of life’s delicacies. Yet, the wax-like coating near its base where it was once connected favors resilience. Each vein takes its own journey, traveling down to the outskirts of the petal, like artwork. As I take the piece with me, I can smell the rest of the nearby blooms, their petals still attached to the stems, rustling in the breeze.
Nature is most appreciated when it’s left untouched, when it’s viewed as a collective beauty. Why do we feel the need to take it with us? I’m constantly pressing flowers, trying to preserve their fleeting beauty, or I’m pocketing rocks or pieces of evergreen trees found on hikes and bringing them inside. I think the collection reminds me that the most intricately gorgeous things are not man-made; that man couldn’t form this unexplainable beauty.
Maybe that’s why flowers are used at weddings and funerals - to remind us that while these moments in life are ephemeral, we can grab a hold of their beauty even if just for a while. We can experience true love with friends, family, and significant others. We can encounter the magic woven into the makeup of this world. We simply have to open our eyes to what already surrounds us. While I do enjoy bringing nature inside and making my home full of wonder, I think it’s even more of a reminder to go experience the outdoors firsthand - to breathe in the pollen-laden air, to take in those moments where my heart rests easy and my senses come alive.